
list of news articles

Presbyterian College Launches New Website

Presbyterian College is proud to announce the launch of a new website, which went live Monday, Feb. 1, 2016. The project took three months to complete and was part of a larger rebranding of the College, which was first launched in August. The College administration desired a new branding strategy that would more accurately reflect

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PC to host Women’s Leadership Conference in April

On Friday, April 8, Presbyterian College will host a Women’s Leadership Conference on campus. Erika Gotfredson and Rebecca Rowell, each a senior English major with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies, are members of the planning committee for the upcoming conference. Below Erika and Rebecca discuss their passion for the topic of women’s leadership and more details about

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FASFA FAQ from Financial Aid

On Sunday, February 21, 2016, PC Financial Aid Office staff will be available at Thomason Library, 2 – 5 p.m. for students and parents who need assistance with the FAFSA. Make sure to bring your laptop. Below are FAQ that are important for understanding and filing your FAFSA. 1. What is FAFSA? FAFSA stands for

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Job hunting tips from Career Services

Our world is full of stories of failure, disappointment, and mediocrity, all of which can become discouraging when in the midst of seeking a new job. And the role of the employment counselor can become more that of cheerleader than anything else at times. So I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about some success stories

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Kenneth Drake, guest pianist to perform at Presbyterian College

Dr. Kenneth Drake will perform a piano recital on Friday, Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Edmunds hall on the Presbyterian College Campus. His recital is part of the 2016 PC Piano Clinic held Feb. 19-20. His program will include works by Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven. The recital is open to the public. Tickets are

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