Bias Incident Reporting

Presbyterian College is committed to nurturing an inclusive environment that fosters mutual respect for all members of our campus. Our honor code highlights the importance of respecting “persons and property of the community” and emphasizes that PC “will not condone discourteous or dishonest treatment by peers”.

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How do I report?

Bias incidents may be reported using the BIAS INCIDENT REPORT FORM or by contacting any of the following college employees:

Andrew Peterson
Dean of Students

Dr. Selena Blair
Vice President of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Dr. Kerry Pannell

What should I report?

We encourage you to report any incidents that negatively impact our campus climate, especially those that are bias-related. We define bias as an intentional or unintentional display of hostility or bigotry in word or deed that a reasonable person would conclude is directed at a member of the PC community based on race, national origin, religion, citizenship, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or past or present service in the military.

Bias incidents can take on a variety of forms, including but not limited to discrimination, spoken or written hate speech or harassment, offensive visual representations, threats, vandalism, physical confrontation, and similar conduct or communications on or through social media.

The bias report form is not a substitute for a call to first responders.  If you witness or experience any actual or threatened emergencies – such as violence, injured persons, a fire, or suspected crime, you should call 911 and/or contact Campus Police at 864-833-8911 immediately.

Who can report?

We encourage all members of our community to report any incident of bias whether you are a complainant, bystander/witness, or a concerned member of the PC community.

What happens after I report?

After a report is filed, it is reviewed by the Vice President for Campus Life, the Vice President for Human Resources and Title IX, the Provost, and the Director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. From there, it will be assigned to the appropriate college official for investigation. Student, faculty or staff behaviors that may violate Title IX will be addressed through the college’s Title IX procedures. Faculty or staff behaviors that may violate academic or non-academic employment policies will be addressed in accordance with procedures in the appropriate employment handbook (Faculty Handbook, Non-Faculty Handbook or other policy handbooks). Student behaviors that may violate the Student Code of Conduct will be addressed through the procedures outlined in the Garnet Book.

If you provide contact information on the Bias Incident Report Form, the college official assigned to investigate the incident will initiate contact with you within twenty-four hours of receipt of the report.

Who can I go to for support?

In addition to the college officials who will review and address the reported incident, a member of the Campus Climate Support Team may be assigned to follow up with the complainant and others on campus impacted by the reported incident. The Campus Climate Support Team is not authorized to sanction offenders. The role of this team is instead 1) to provide first response, 2) to support students, faculty, or staff who are targets or witnesses, 3) to refer students, faculty, and staff to available resources, and 4) to promote dialogue and education within the campus community.

The Campus Climate Support Team includes the Director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Chaplain, the Jane and Jack Presseau Associate Chaplain, the Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance/Senior Woman Administrator, the Senior Director of Residence Life, the Director of Campus Police, a representative from the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, the Dean of Students, and the Vice President of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator.

Campus Climate Support Team
  • Dr. Selena Blair, Vice President of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Dee Nichols, Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance/Senior Woman Administrator
  • Andrew Peterson, Dean of Students
  • Dr. Serge Afeli, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy

A word about free expression and academic freedom

Presbyterian College is committed to freedom of expression and thought as essential elements of an academic community. The College is committed to encouraging a stimulating and honest exchange of opinions.  Freedom of expression and thought are as essential for a thriving academic community as are the guiding principles of our mission statement that emphasize civil social conduct. As a community of imperfect human beings who learn, live and work together, Presbyterian College must honor both goals.

Students need to learn to be comfortable with the discomfort of new ideas – including ideas they may find offensive. Honestly held and reasonable differences of opinion are protected at Presbyterian College, in and out of the classroom. Discussion of an academic subject, even when the ideas are controversial, is protected.  Disagreements and criticism, even when strongly asserted, are not bias incidents if they are aimed at ideas and actions, rather than at a person’s characteristics. Nothing in the bias reporting process is intended to stifle academic freedom or the appropriate expression of (even controversial) ideas.

If you’re a student or employee of the College and not a member of the faculty, and you have an inquiry or grievance related to academic freedom, please report your inquiry to the Provost. The Provost will promptly investigate the situation and act to resolve the grievance. If a member of the faculty has an inquiry or grievance related to the academic freedom policy, he/she should consult the Faculty Handbook for the appropriate procedures to address the situation. A faculty member can also seek the guidance and advice of a Faculty Advocate, though the opinions and positions of the Faculty Advocate are non-binding.