Video-Based Observation and Feedback Training

Caleb Weathers and Adam Wardlaw practice using the ADVANCEFeedback video-based observation and feedback system.
On Monday, December 10, 2015, Nick Smrdel, from the Insight Education Group came to PC to train cooperating teachers from Districts 55 and 56 and PC student teachers on using the ADVANCEFeedback video-based observation and feedback system. The PC Education Department was invited to participate in this initiative by the SC State Department of Education (SC TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement), to help improve instructional practices and promote teacher performance. Middle-level education majors, Caleb Weathers and Adam Wardlaw, took a break from finals this week to practice uploading videos to the platform.Adam stated, “I am very excited about using this program when I’m student teaching. It will be nice to be able to review the video and see what I can improve on during instruction. This will help me become a more reflective educator, which is something I have learned the importance of in my education classes here at PC.” Starting in the spring semester, student teachers will be observed by their cooperating teachers and PC supervisors in person and through videos.