South Carolina IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (SC INBRE)
PC students conduct biomedical research in the South Carolina IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (SC INBRE).
The National Institutes of Health funds SC INBRE with the goal of advancing biomedical research and promoting undergraduate research training in South Carolina. PC is one of only 13 predominantly undergraduate institutions in the state that are part of the SC INBRE network. The program has provided over $500,000 to PC for biomedical research over the past five years and will continue through August 31, 2025.
The Focus of the Research
Students who conduct SC INBRE research receive a stipend. Each year, approximately 10 PC students are selected to participate in the program. To be selected, students and their research mentors submit proposals early in the spring semester. Students are chosen to participate based on reviews of the proposals.
Students can focus their research on any of the four scientific thematic areas:
- Biochemistry and cell/ molecular biology
- Computational biology and bioinformatics
- Bio/Biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine
- Neuroscience
Opportunities to Present Biomedical Research
Students typically conduct research for eight weeks in the summer, and research can continue in the academic year. Many PC students choose to continue their INBRE research as Honors Research.
Students have opportunities to present their research on and off campus. Every summer, INBRE researchers, PC Summer Fellows, and researchers from the PC School of Pharmacy present during PC’s own Summer Research Symposium. On campus, students present their research during Honors Day in the spring semester.
Off campus, INBRE researchers present during the INBRE symposium that’s held for the state in January. Regional and national INBRE-sponsored meetings also offer opportunities for INBRE researchers to present their findings.
Learn More
If you want to learn more about conducting biomedical research, please email Dr. Stuart Gordon, professor of biology. For more about applying to PC, please visit Apply Now.