Panel 3


Moderator: Dr. Roy Campbell

Anarchism, Nationalism, and the Power of Political Assassinations (Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries)
15-Minute Departmental Honors Presentation
Presenter: Wyatt Jones Wangsnes

Operation Demetrius: Analyzing the British Impact on the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland
15-Minute Departmental Honors Presentation
Presenter: Marley Ashton Bickley

White Women in White Power: A Means to Justify Violent Acts of Sedition
15-Minute Presentation
Presenter: Cierra Marie Carter

What Role Did White Nationalism and/or Far Right Extremism Play in Grooming Timothy McVeigh to Become a Domestic Terrorist?
15-Minute Presentation
Presenter: Carleigh Wren Owens

Anti-Government and Separatist Ideas in the Jonestown Massacre and the Similarities in Following Events
15-Minute Presentation
Presenter: Paige Gacek