
Major in Religion and Philosophy

Students majoring in religion must complete 33 hours, including

  • RELG/PHIL 340
  • RELG/PHIL 440
  • 27 hours in religion, philosophy, or other designated courses with substantial content in religion or philosophy.

Students may choose to concentrate in Christian studies, religious studies, or philosophy, but are not required to do so. Students may major in either religion and philosophy or religion-Christian education, but not both.

Major in Religion and Philosophy – Christian Studies Concentration

Students majoring in religion and philosophy with a concentration in Christian studies must complete 33 hours, including

  • RELG/PHIL 340
  • RELG 302, 310, 440
  • PHIL 301
  • Three hours in Old Testament or New Testament at the 200-level or above
  • Three hours in Church History or Mission at the 200-level or above
  • Twelve hours of electives in religion, philosophy, or other approved courses

Major in Religion and Philosophy – Religious Studies Concentration

Students majoring in religion and philosophy with a concentration in religious studies must complete 36 hours, including

  • PSYC/SOC 312
  • RELG 200, 310, 440
  • RELG/PHIL 340
  • RELG 355/HIST 3244
  • Three hours selected from
    • PSYC 315, 316, 448
    • SOC 207, 311, 366, 423, 424
    • or other approved course in social sciences
  • Fifteen hours of electives in religion, philosophy, or other approved courses

Major in Religion and Philosophy – Philosophy Concentration

Students majoring in religion and philosophy with a concentration in philosophy must complete 33 hours, including

  • RELG/PHIL 340
  • PHIL 205, 440
  • Six hours in the history of philosophy from
    • PHIL 301, 304
    • PHIL/PLSC 324, 325, 326
    • PHIL 361/HIST 3610
    • or other approved course at the 300 or 400-level
  • Three hours in ethics from
    • PHIL 314, 315, PHIL/BADM 316, PHIL 317
    • or other approved course at the 300- or 400-level
  • Fifteen hours of electives in religion, philosophy, or other approved courses

Major in Religion – Leadership, Service, and Ministry

Students majoring in religion with leadership, service, and ministry must complete 31-33 hours including

  • PHIL 314
  • RELG 210 or 212
  • RELG 340
  • RLSM 301
  • RLSM 311
  • RLSM 440
  • RLSM 444
  • One course in Biblical interpretation at the 300-level or higher
    • RELG 301, 309, 312, 313, 322, 332, 333, 343
  • One course in religion and culture
    • PHIL 309; RELG 215, 220, 310, 355, 357, 418; HIST 3244, 3441
  • One course in social analysis and engagement
    • PHIL 317
    • PLSC 3002, 3103, 3311
    • RELG 318, 320
    • SOC 206, 362, 366, 370
    • THEA 3000
    • ENVI 318, 328
  • One course in rhetoric and communication
    • ARTH 311
    • BADM 307
    • COMM 2200, 3110, 3120, 3410, 3420
    • FREN 2002
    • SPAN 2002
    • PHIL 205
    • RELG 203
    • REL 3420

Students may major in either religion and philosophy or religion – leadership, service, and ministry, but not both.

Minor in Philosophy

Students who minor in philosophy must complete 18 hours including

  • PHIL 205
  • Three hours from PHIL 301, 304, PHIL/PLSC 324, 325, 326, or PHIL/HIST 361, or other approved 300- or 400-level course
  • Three hours from PHIL 314, 315, PHIL/BADM 316, PHIL 317 or other approved 300- or 400-level course
  • and nine hours of PHIL or other approved courses with substantial philosophical content

Minor in Religion

Students minoring in religion must complete 18 hours in RELG courses taught at or above the 200-level.

Minor in Religion – Christian Education

The minor in Christian education consists of 18 hours, including RELG 302; R-CE 301, 310, 312, and six hours of R-CE electives.

Course Descriptions

Course Catalog Descriptions »

CO = Co-requisite
POI = Permission of Instructor
PR = Prerequisite
RE = Recommended
XL = Cross-listed