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Meet William Plumer Jacobs

Most Presbyterian College students have heard the story about a Presbyterian minister named William Plumer Jacobs who founded an orphanage and a college in what was once a rough post-Civil War railroad town. They may even have learned that his efforts to do so were derided by some townsfolk and labeled “Jacobs’ Folly” before he succeeded in founding both their alma mater in 1880 and Thornwell Orphanage (now Thornwell Home and School for Children) in 1875. (“Founder’s Library”). – Read more –

Class Rings at PC

June 2016
On Sunday, April 17, Presbyterian College held its Fourth Annual Class Ring Ceremony in Edmunds Hall. This was a special time for students approaching graduation, when they celebrated their time at PC and affirmed that their ties to the college would continue beyond commencement. As the college’s news release about the class ring ceremony states, “the PC ring signifies not only the accomplishment of graduating from PC and becoming part of our alumni association, but also represents everything the College stands for and all of the experiences of being a student here that we all have shared . . . [I]t signifies honor and service that PC students experience, embrace, and live out long after they leave this place” (“Class Ring Ceremony – Alumni”). – Read more –

A Love Letter to Neville Hall

February 2016
In February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, when friends, family members, and romantic partners find ways to express their love for one another. But it’s also possible to love a place, and even to feel that in some way the place returns that love! For many of us, Presbyterian College is that kind of place, and perhaps the building that most truly represents PC is Neville Hall. In honor of the Month of Love, here is a love letter to Neville Hall. – Read more –

Archives Update

January 2016
Hello from the Presbyterian College Archives. It’s been a while since Blue Notes has been updated (sorry about that!), and there’s been quite a lot going on. Here’s a brief summary of what’s been happening in the last six months. – Read More –