James H. Thomason Library

The James H. Thomason library, named for benefactor James H. Thomason, Sr. of Laurens, was dedicated in September 1974. The new library, with a capacity of 175,000 volumes, replaced the old college/community library housed in what is now Smith Administration Building. The ground floor of the new library featured a curriculum laboratory and the Wilson Learning Center, named in honor of Atlanta minister and PC alum and trustee, Eugene T. Wilson ’25. In addition, the ground floor contained a small auditorium and audio-visual facilities.

In February of 2005, the library was enhanced by a three-story, $3 million expansion which featured new facilities for the college archives, media services, an instructional classroom, and additional study spaces. The Russell Arnold Archives is named in honor of PC alum, Ernest J. Arnold ’36 and the Russell Charitable Trust, which provided significant funding for the project.