Internships Overview for Employers
Requirements for becoming an Internship Supervisor:
Academic Internships at Presbyterian College are a collaborative effort from both the student intern and the internship supervisors, faculty, and staff members. These are specifically designed to include:
- On-the-job training and experience developing transferable or field-specific skills;
- Employers should designate expectations during an orientation with new interns at the start of each term.
- Employers are asked to provide feedback on career-readiness and skill development through an online survey each semester.
- Demonstration of learning outcomes set forth during the registration process.
- Ideally, internships are paid positions. Unpaid internships are possible for nonprofit organizations, shadowing-based internships of certain professionals, or specific other circumstances where student learning outweighs the benefit to the employer.
- Some degree of flexibility is requested to match scheduled hours with those of the academic grading period during which an internship is registered.
- Students are required to submit written reflection papers touching on cultural diversity, personal values, academic relevance, and transferable skills;
- Student discussions will be held in group settings throughout the semester to reflect on reflection paper topics and to discuss professional behavior and expectations.
Posting Internships: To post an internship for student applications, please email Lynn Downie,, including complete job description, application process, and rate of pay.
Employers are required to give the student a mid-point evaluation.
Employers are required to give the student a final review of their work.