Résumés & Cover Letters
Make your résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile stand out by targeting them to a specific industry, functional area or employer.
Make your résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile stand out by targeting them to a specific industry, functional area or employer.
Your résumé is the employer’s first impression of you to land a job interview so it must look professional without any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Each résumé is highly personal, but it should clearly and concisely highlight your:
How to Fill Out Common Resume Sections
Typically a résumé is organized by categories or headings. Here are a few headings that are typically found in early career résumés:
Along with your résumé, include a cover letter. Many job applications or internship applications may only request a résumé, however, a tailored cover letter directs the reader’s attention to your specific areas of background so you can differentiate yourself. A cover letter is brief – no more than three paragraphs – and is written in an active voice. See our guide on how to write both.
Preparing a Cover Letter