Lance & Seth

Lance & Seth


Although we saw one another at various campus events during our first two years at PC, we didn’t officially meet until Spring 2009 as juniors. As the new semester began, Seth returned from a term abroad in Chile and Lance enjoyed the view from his room’s balcony on the front of Georgia Hall (a space that provided a constantly beautiful view of Neville that he still misses). With his car still full of dorm essentials for his mid-year campus move-in, Seth stopped to meet a mutual friend who was sharing porch life with Lance.

HallPoston-metmarried-interiorstoryimagesFrom those first “official” moments on the porch through the rest of our junior and senior years, we developed a wonderful relationship that grew with the help of friends and safe spaces at PC. As two gay men who were still very quiet about our identities in South Carolina, we found spaces to be our authentic selves and flourish with friends and faculty. Seth engaged with PC through the Spanish and theater departments and Celtic Cross. Lance flourished in the history and English departments and grew as the college’s student body president in his senior year. Because of all of these experiences that shaped us into our current selves and created a space for us to meet, we will always cherish our undergrad alma mater.

We left PC together for graduate school in Ohio and now live in Lexington, Kentucky where we are both administrators at the University of Kentucky.

Lance Poston ’10 and Seth Hall ’10
