The Dashers
Ron and I met as juniors at PC for the first time in the spring of 2007, in Dr. Thompson’s Medical Ethics class. It was a group discussion class, which resulted in me thinking that he never talked and him thinking that I talked way too much. We really didn’t pay much attention to each other, but that all changed in our senior year when we ended up having a ton of classes together as we both tried to finish out our religion majors. We studied for exams together in the upper rafters of Neville that December, and it was then that we discovered that we liked each other. By graduation, we were officially a couple, and then we jumped right into spending three years dating long distance while I was in law school in Columbia and he was in seminary in Wake Forest.
The summer after our second year of grad school, Leni Patterson contacted me and ask if I would consider coming to speak at a Board of Trustees meeting in August, featuring alumni who have gone onto different graduate schools from PC. I jumped at the opportunity to come back to PC, where two of my best friends were still admissions counselors. I was told the meeting was in Neville, and I walked the beautiful campus that day to get over there. I walked up the steps of Neville, and as I went to open the door, Ron opened it for me and walked out – and got down on one knee, right on the steps of the building where it all began. The rest, as they say, is history. Six years of marriage and two babies later (Grady, 4 and Karis, 1) we are just so grateful for PC and the memories our college gave us, both then and now.