The Bates
Being a Blue Hose runs in the Bates family! Parent and Family Council Chair Couple, Brian ’88 and Ginger ’87 Bates met at Presbyterian College in 1985. After falling in love with the help of a good friend, the couple married in 1991 and started a family. The Bates legacy at PC continued when both their children, Reese ’19 and Tucker ’21 Bates joined the Blue Hose family. Committed to the success of PC, Brian and Ginger have graciously served the college on the Parent & Family Council for four years.The Bates’ philanthropy generously supports the Stephen Potts Bates Public Service Scholarship Fund, The PC Fund, and Neville Renewed. As loyal supporters of PC, the Bates truly embody Dum Vivimus Servimus! Read on to hear Ginger Bates recount their Met & Married love story below.
We first met when Brian was a freshman, and I was a sophomore the Fall of 1985. He was just “Stephen Bates’ (’84) little brother” to me. But it wasn’t until the following year that we first went out on a date to a Sigma Nu band party – encouraged by our mutual good friend and resident matchmaker – Lou Davenport Schraibman (‘87).
It almost didn’t happen. Lou had encouraged Brian to ask me out for the Sigma Nu Christmas party because I dropped the hint that I thought he was cute. But when he actually called to ask, I had already been asked to another fraternity’s party on the same night. Even though I turned him down for that invitation, I had the presence of mind to encourage him to ask me out again after Christmas break. Brian said that if I hadn’t said that to him, he would have never tried again. He did, and the rest is history.
After my graduation in 1987, Brian left PC as well for Clemson to complete the dual degree program in engineering and physics (graduating from both Clemson and PC in 1989). After working for a year or so, I went back to graduate school at USC to get my MBA, we got married in 1991, and then settled in Columbia, S.C. We continued to come back to PC each year for Homecoming, and our love for all things PC and Blue Hose continues on in both of our children – Reese (’19) and Tucker Bates who will graduate in May 2021 – and through our involvement in the PC Parents Council and the Stephen Potts Bates Public Service Scholarship.
Presbyterian College has been a blessing and a gift for the Bates family. A 29-year marriage (I still think he’s cute). Two more PC Blue Hose students. A lifetime benefiting from the superior education we received and living into the faith and character- building moments PC provided. While we live, we serve. On, on PC!!