Cost of Attendance

  • 2024-2025

    Resident Students*:

    Billable Costs

    Direct Costs Total
    Tuition 41,810
    Fees 3,100
    Housing* 6,869
    Standard Meal Plan 6,710
    Total $58,489
    *This is an average based on student actual costs. Below is a list of all housing options.
    Indirect Costs Total
    Books and Supplies 2,000
    Transportation 1,628
    Loan Fees 55
    Personal 1,368
    Total 5,051
    Total Cost of Attendance $63,540

    Commuting Students*:

    Direct Costs Total
    Tuition 41,810
    Fees 3,100
    Total $44,910
    Indirect Costs Total
    Housing & Food 8,704
    Books and Supplies 1,500
    Transportation 2,170
    Loan Fees 55
    Loan Fees 70
    Personal 1,302
    Subtotal for costs payable to others 14,231
    Total Cost of Attendance $59,141

    Important Notes:

    • Resident students are required to have an Standard Meal Plan or All-Access Meal Plan.
    • Financial aid awards only apply to Typical Double Room rates. Students and parents are responsible for paying any differences on other residence halls listed below.
    • Indirect costs will not appear on the student’s bill but need to be budgeted. The amounts listed above are estimates and may vary.
    Standard Housing includes: Barron, Belk, CIH, Clinton, Fraternity Court, Grotnes, Georgia, and Smyth $5,870
    Spradley Hall, Townhouses, MSU $8,340
    Staton Hall/Upperclassmen Apartments $9,060
    Single Room (if available) $8,340
    PC Freedom Meal Plan $7,990
    170 Block Meal Plan $4,460
    Commuter Meal Plan $880
  • Summer 2025

    Tuition $595 / credit hour
    Fees $65 / credit hour
    Science Lab Fee $50 / per course
    Room (Double Occupancy) $610 /per term
    Board Summer 1 $630
    Board Summer 2 $630
    Room – Upcharge for Single Room $255 / per term
    Internship Fees:
    1-4 hours $500 Flat Rate
    5-6 hours $750 Flat Rate
  • 2023-2024

    The tables below reflect average costs for the 2023-2024 academic year. (fall and spring semesters)

    Resident Students*:

    Billable Costs

    Direct Costs Total
    Tuition 40,200
    Fees 3,100
    Housing 6,613
    Food 6,100
    Total $56,013
    Indirect Costs Total
    Books and Supplies 1,500
    Transportation 1,628
    Loan Fees 70
    Personal 1,368
    Total 4,566
    Total Cost of Attendance $60,579

    Important Notes:

    • Resident students are required to have an Unlimited or All-Access Meal Plan.
    • Financial aid awards only apply to Typical Double Room rates. Students and parents are responsible for paying any differences on other residence halls listed below.
    • Indirect costs will not appear on the student’s bill but need to be budgeted. The amounts listed above are estimates and may vary.
    Standard Housing includes: Barron, Belk, CIH, Clinton, Fraternity Court, Grotnes, Georgia, and Smyth $5,700
    Spradley Hall, Townhouses, MSU $8,100
    Staton Hall $8,800
    Single Room (if available) $8,100