• PC’s biology department and School of Pharmacy offer a dual-major program that earns you a BS and a PharmD.
  • The diverse field of biology is a core discipline for zoologists, ecologists, pharmacologists, doctors, and other occupations.
  • Medicine & Pharmacy is one of the top three disciplines that PC alumni pursue in graduate school.
  • Biology majors may join Beta Beta Beta – PC’s chapter of the National Biological Honor Society.

What you’ll study in biology with a concentration in pharmacy

As a biology major concentrating in pharmacy, you explore the physical structures and mechanisms that make up all living organisms. You also understand the principles of chemistry and chemical processes at the molecular level. The program also gives you experience in laboratory equipment and procedures.

The biology major pharmacy concentration program totals 64 to 65 hours, depending on course selection. During your first two years you’ll take core courses and labs like Biological Concepts and Organismal Biology, and one anatomy course. You’ll choose one course each from two categories – cell/molecular biology and evolution/ecology. Required related courses include General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and General Physics. You’ll also select one course each in calculus, statistics, economics, and social science. Once you’re enrolled at PC’s School of Pharmacy, you must take Principles in Human Genetics & Pharmacogenomics. Your undergraduate degree concludes with a capstone experience at the School of Pharmacy to be approved by the biology department. If eligible, you can earn marks of distinction on your transcript and diploma by conducting an honors project.

PC’s biology department also offers a concentration in computational biology.


  • CO = Co-requisite
  • POI = Permissions of Instructor
  • PR = Pre-requisite
  • RE = Recommended
  • XL = Cross-listed

Careers in Pharmacy

When followed up with a graduate pharmacy program, the biology major with a pharmacy concentration enables you to earn your PharmD. This Doctor of Pharmacy degree, plus licensing exams and internships, qualify you to practice as a state-licensed pharmacist. Careers lead into the various branches of pharmacy – from ambulatory care to veterinary pharmacy.

According to PayScale, pharmacists earn an average salary of $119,878. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median pharmacist salary of $130,030 in 2023.

Along with accounting, business and law, pharmacy is one of the top three graduate fields that PC alumni pursue. PC’s pharmacy graduates serve as clinical, community, consultant and hospital pharmacists, with titles like Pharmacist in Charge and Director of Pharmacy. Their areas of specialty include acute care, emergency medicine, pediatrics, infectious diseases, and patient education. Other pharmacy alumni work in the pharmaceutical industry in sales and other positions. 

Whatever your major, PC’s liberal arts education equips you with problem-solving, critical thinking, and other soft skills that employers value.


Dr. Stuart Gordon

Professor of Biology

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Dr. Michael Rischbieter

Professor of Biology

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Dr. Austin Shull

Assistant Professor of Biology

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Dr. Jim Wetzel

Pulaski L. Bealy Smith Professor of Biology

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Dr. Ron Zimmerman

Professor of Biology

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