Employers Career and Professional Development Presbyterian College

Welcome Employers!

Thank you for considering Presbyterian College as your recruiting source.  Presbyterian College is strongly committed to providing a strong liberal arts education where students are taught how to think critically and to see things from multiple perspectives.  In 2019, Forbes and US News both ranked PC as one of America’s Top Colleges.  Our graduates are eager to excel in many work environments including corporations, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies or start-up companies.

Posting Jobs Online

Employers are invited to use Handshake to post full-time jobs, part-time jobs, or internships targeting students and alumni
Note:  Please read our Qualified Employer Policy and Internship Guide.

Questions about using Handshake may be directed to Ms. Kim Lane at kalane@presby.edu

Connect On-Campus

Our office invites you to the PC campus to meet students and to promote your organization.

On-Campus Interviews

Interview candidates in our office for current job openings.  We will work to promote your jobs, forward résumés and coordinate schedules.  Contact Ms. Kim Lane at kalane@presby.edu to get started.

Career Programs

Partner with our office by participating in various career programs such as networking events, mock interviews, panel discussions, workshops, and workplace visits throughout the year. If you have a career-related topic or program you think would be valuable to students’ career preparation, please contact Ms. Kim Lane at kalane@presby.edu.


1,026 students enrolled (fall 2015)

100% of students participate in either an internship or study abroad program.

233 internships in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Approximately 33% of PC students participate in Division I athletic sports.

Approximately 45% of PC students experience the benefits of Greek life.

Social Media

Connect with our social media accounts! Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

Career Development and Student Success Facebook  Career Development and Student Success Twitter