Presbyterian College is committed to providing a safe campus environment, where sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and exploitation are not tolerated. College faculty, staff and students are expected to do their part to prevent, address, and report any violence on our campus. When the College becomes aware of allegations of sexual misconduct, it will take prompt and effective action. The College’s response will be overseen by the Title IX coordinator.
Title IX
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Title IX Coordinators
Dr. Selena Blair
Rogers-Ingram VP for Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Title IX Coordinator
(864) 833-8206
Andrew Peterson
Dean of Students
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
(864) 833-8486
Janna Barnes
Accessible Education Coordinator
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
(864) 833-8322
Sandy Dowdle
Executive Director of Human Resources
(864) 833-8207