
list of news articles

Presbyterian College Choir to Perform in Augusta

The Presbyterian College Choir will perform the Requiem in D Minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with the Augusta Choral Society (ACS) and the Lyra Vivace Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 28 at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center in Augusta, Ga. Fifteen alumni of the PC Choir, members of the PC Chamber Orchestra, and seven

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Presbyterian College Maintains NCATE Accreditation

Presbyterian College was recently notified that the College’s Education Department received accreditation for seven more years under the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) standards. The department has maintained NCATE accreditation since 2001. NCATE’s performance-based accreditation system for teacher preparation ensures that teacher candidates are prepared to make a difference in P-12 student

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PC Alumna named General Manager of Bon Secours Arena

Alumna Beth Paul Appointed General Manager of Bon Secours Wellness Arena   Presbyterian College alumna Beth Paul has been appointed general manager of the Bon Secours Wellness Arena by the Greenville Arena District Board of Directors. Paul is an Anderson, S.C. native who graduated from Presbyterian College in 1999. She has served as the Arena’s interim general manager since November and has worked with the Arena for

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Presbyterian College Students Experience Istanbul

“In the history department, we care” are often the words you’ll hear from Dr. Campbell when he describes the department. One of the things the history faculty cares about is to give students the opportunity to discover the world they discuss and learn about in books and the classroom. Each year the history department offers

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Pharmacy School Students and Faculty Publish Research

Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy (PCSP) students, undergraduate PC students, and faculty had papers published in the most recent issue of the International Journal of Pharmacy Compounding (IJPC) publication. The research completed by both groups was funded by the PCSP Pharmacy Research Summer Interns (PRSI) program and a grant from the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists. These

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Senior Art Exhibit

Presbyterian College student Erin Connolly presented her artwork in an exhibit in Harper to many eager students and faculty at the beginning of March. A senior art major who also minors in art history, Connolly let her creativity shine in her showcase. Connolly admits feeling a bit anxious before the show opened. The pressure of

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Special Olympics at Presbyterian College is Our Motto in Motion

Presbyterian College is hosting the Special Olympics March 27 in Bailey Memorial Stadium, with the goal of helping to improve the lives of those with mental disabilities. Today, around 200 million people worldwide suffer from over 250 mental disabilities. Of the 4.6 million American adults with mental disabilities, 92 percent live alone or with family

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Lynn Downie Nominated to Board of NECA

Career counselor Lynn Downie was recently nominated to the board of National Employment Counseling Association. NECA (pronounced Neh-kah) is a nationally recognized program which certifies members for career counseling from K-12 to university and beyond. To attain certification, Downie was required to take classes and show hours of experience plus her background in this field. NECA

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Dr. Erin McAdams Exemplifies “Personally Committed to Your Success”

Professor Fosters Mentorships with Students Who Wish to Excel and Explore the Field of Political Science. Dr. Erin McAdams joined the political science department at Presbyterian College in 2012. Before earning her Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 2009, she experienced the benefits of a small liberal arts college by attending Allegheny College for her

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Presbyterian College Hires New Director of Annual Giving

Presbyterian College is proud to announce that Alex Scull has joined its advancement staff as the new director of annual giving effective Monday, March 2nd. As the director of annual giving, Scull will oversee the college’s annual giving programs such as the PC Fund for academics, the Scotsman Club for athletics and the Pharmacy Fund

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