Our mission is to provide a quality education that enables the delivery of optimal team-based patient care, fosters leadership, and creates a culture of service. Presbyterian College pharmacy students stand out among the rest.
Graduate & Professional
Physician Assistant
If you’re passionate about health care, becoming a physician assistant may be just the path for you. Be a part of our Physician Assistant Studies Program here at Presbyterian College and join our family of distinguished graduates.
Occupational Therapy
The OTD Program will prepare you for a professional healthcare career that addresses the individual needs of clients unable to pursue meaningful occupation because of physical, sensory, emotional, developmental, and/or cognitive impairment.
Pharmacy Certification
Licensed and student pharmacists can earn American Pharmacists Association (APhA) certification in APhA training programs offered by Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. You’ll receive continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits as you show your commitment to being a pharmacist.