Study Abroad
The History Department is very active in encouraging students to study abroad at some point while at PC. The department regularly offers faculty-led study abroad opportunities in the forms of Maymesters and its Encounters Afar program. Maymesters typically are two to three-week trips taken after the completion of final exams in the spring. The Encounters Afar program involves travel to a particular city of focus during spring break. In the weeks prior to the trip, students meet in class to gain background knowledge of the destination’s historical significance, with class lectures culminating in the trip itself.
The college also offers programs through which students can study abroad for an entire semester in destinations the world over. History majors are among the most frequent participants in these programs and have studied in an array of countries such as Turkey, Nepal, China, Ireland, Egypt, and Spain.
If you would like more information about studying abroad in one of the department’s programs or the semester-long programs, please contact a history professor or visit PC’s Office of International Programs.