Documentary Film “Web Junkie” to be shown at Presbyterian College

Documentary Film “Web Junkie” to be shown at Presbyterian College

On Nov. 23, the Presbyterian College education department will show the film “Web Junkie” as part of the Documentary Film Series. The film will be shown in Harrington-Peachtree Amphitheater and begins at 4:30 p.m.

“Web Junkie” is set in Beijing, China, and follows the Daxing Boot Camp, a 3-month military, anti-addiction rehabilitation program for Chinese teenagers diagnosed with Internet addiction. This film, from award-winning filmmakers Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia, “follows the treatment of Chinese teenagers whose preference for the virtual world over the real one is summed up in one jarring statement: ‘Reality is too fake.’”

“Web Junkie” also explores and portrays the rehabilitation process and the evolving diagnosis behind Internet addiction in a country that was one of the first in the world to classify this addiction as a clinical disorder.

Following the film, the audience is welcome to participate in a discussion. The film is free and open to PC students, faculty, and the community.


Written by Allison Cooke, a junior English major, media studies, journalism track minor from Winnsboro, S.C.