Partnership with Clemson opens new path for PC science grads

Partnership with Clemson opens new path for PC science grads

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Biology professor Dr. Margot Petukh has noticed a trend with biology majors at PC.

“Each passing year witnesses a steady increase in the number of students opting to enroll in Master’s and PhD programs,” Petukh said. “This indicates a growing inclination toward research-oriented career paths.”

A new partnership between PC and Clemson University provides a new opportunity for PC students interested in research-oriented careers.

A Great Opportunity for Students 

PC students who graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree and at least a 3.2 GPA will automatically be admitted into Clemson’s Medical Biophysics Master’s Degree Program if they apply.

PC students can major in:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computational Biology or
  • Medical Physics

Students must also meet other applicable non-academic admissions requirements including evaluation of responses to community standards questions. The master’s in medical biophysics is a two-year program.

“This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in medicine but do not want to go to medical or PA school,” Petukh said. “These are students who have strong research interests and at the same time are interested in applying their research to medicine.”

PC Broadens Students’ Perspective 

According to Petukh, most freshman biology students are interested in pursuing careers “within the realm of human health.”

“Specifically, they expect their educational journey at PC to be geared toward attending medical school, PA school, the PC School of Pharmacy, and dental school,” Petukh said.

While she says that PC graduates “boast an exceptionally high acceptance rate into the programs of their choice,” many PC students change their minds about their career plans while at PC.

Research Opportunities Redefine Students’ Goals 

Part of the reason students change their minds  is that high school students are familiar with conventional health-related professions.

“They understand the roles of doctors, nurses, and physician assistants, making it easier to envision themselves in such roles,” Petukh said.

“However, here at PC, we afford students the chance to observe the work of scientists firsthand and actively contribute to scientific breakthroughs.”

Another reason students change their plans is that they often reassess what they want to do after college after engaging in internships and conducting research in biology.

“This often leads to a shift in focus toward pursuing graduate studies to further explore research opportunities,” she said. “Usually, this transition takes place after their junior year.”

PC Grads Prepared for Biophysics Master’s Program

That’s why the partnership with Clemson is such a great opportunity for PC students, according to Petukh. After earning their BS degree from PC, PC students can pursue Clemson’s Master in Medical Biophysics. The degree will allow them to learn computational and experimental techniques and methods that are in high demand in a wide range of biomedical fields.

Petukh says PC graduates will be ready.

“Through a combination of core and elective courses,” she said, “we equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their chosen career paths post-graduation.”