Inspired to Dream: Inspired to Give
PC is more than a college; it is an experience that lasts a lifetime. While PC provides incredible academics, the lessons I treasure the most—the ones that continue to shape me today—transcend the classroom. In between Dr. Ingram’s lectures on the dialectical scale of materialism and history classes on the front steps of Neville, I discovered the value of being part of a community. But PC’s undertaking in that regard is far more noble than simply encouraging school spirit, it helped illuminate the guideposts to a life well-lived to which I still turn.
In the small town of Clinton, PC showed me a dynamic world of endless possibilities that awaited me and the impact I could make—with no dream or idea ever being too grand. As part of helping me find my own path and passions, PC instilled a lifelong dedication to service. Through our close-knit community, I learned the meaning of showing up for one another to celebrate victories or mourn losses, and how to fill all the days in between with unexpected adventure, fun, and of course, last minute theme parties. I made lifelong friends who are now family, and I will forever know the import of being actively engaged and committed to a community.
One of our greatest tests in life is how we care for one another. In PC’s beautiful and unique way, it prepared me for that test by instilling in me a standard of how to live life with purpose, passion, service, and true friendship. I give to PC because of the person our college inspired and enabled me to be, and because I want future generations to receive the same lessons and experiences.