College Tuition is an Investment

Investing in college tuition can pay off in the long run, as it often results in higher earnings and improved job prospects when compared to individuals without a degree. The skills acquired in college can pave the way for various career options and chances for growth.

Log on to your student account to view and pay your bill.

Payment Options

When bills are posted online, there will be an option to pay:

    1. Online:
    2. In person at the Cashier’s Office in Smith Administration, Office 102
    3. By mailing a check, made payable to Presbyterian College, to

Presbyterian College
Attn: Cashier
503 S. Broad Street
Clinton, SC 29325

  1. A loan borrowed by the parent at a fixed 9.083% interest rate and 4.228% origination fee
    (new rates available July 1st )
  2. A parent who is accepted may request the maximum amount needed
  3. A parent denied – the student may borrow an additional $4,000 in their unsubsidized loan
  4. Application found at
    • The application opens up May 1st for the upcoming academic year
  • A loan borrowed in the student’s name with a credit worthy co-signer
  • Interest rates and origination fees are determined by the lender
  • A list of lenders may be found at ELMSelect
  • An interest free annual payment plan; $65 enrollment fee required
  • Amount is calculated on the amount owed for the year divided by equal payments
  • 10 month equal payments begin May 1; You may register as late as August, but will
    only be eligible for 8 payments.
  • Payment plans for each semester are also available.

Presbyterian College works with various college pre-pay accounts and are handled through the Business Office.

  • Presbyterian College certifies VA Benefits through the Registrar.
  • The student must initiate the process by sending their certification form to the Registrar who will complete certifications after the drop/add dates.

Important Dates:

Fall Invoices are sent July 15 and DUE August 15.

Spring Invoices are sent November 15 and DUE December 15.


Access your 1098-T Online
Please note that the ZIP code you enter to access your account should match the permanent address on file with the Registrar’s Office. Tax Document FAQs

Address Change Form

Direct Deposit Form (Digital through SSO)

Financial Aid Handbook

Payment Policy and Payment Instructions for International Students

Presbyterian College Catalog

Pharmacy Program Costs