Bob Bryant , Ph.D.
Kristen Herrington Professor of Bible
Department of Religion and Philosophy
Email Dr. Bryant864-833-8348
Dr. Bryant – Curriculum Vitae »
Education Background
Ph.D., Union Presbyterian Seminary
M.Div., Union Presbyterian Seminary
B.S., Virginia Tech
Research Fields/ Areas of Specialty/ Teaching
- Beginning and Advanced Greek
- Ecology and the Bible
- Hebrews and the General Epistles
- Johannine Literature
- New Testament Survey
- Old Testament Survey
- Pauline Epistles
- Science and Religion
- Studies in the Synoptic Gospels
- Women in the Bible
Professional Interests:
Professionally, my area of specialization is biblical studies. I work with the Bible’s original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) in the quest to better understand and interpret biblical and other related ancient texts for today. It is a discipline I find infinitely fascinating and important for our time, but as much as I love it, it’s certainly not a field I could have anticipated in high school or early in college. My present areas of research include: Paul’s letters and theology, Gospel Passion Narratives, Greco-Roman rhetorical and epistolary practices, and interfaith religious pedagogy.
Published Books
- First Corinthians: One in Christ (Kerygma, 2010)
- The Gospel of Matthew: God With Us (Kerygma, 2006)
- The Risen Crucified Christ in Galatians (The Society of Biblical Literature, 2001)
Published Articles/ Reviews
- Catholic Biblical Quarterly
- Feasting on the Word Commentary Series
- The Handbook of Biblical Criticism
- Interpretation
- Lectionary Homiletics,
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
Professional Memberships
- The Catholic Biblical Association
- Society of Biblical Literature
- The Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion
Honors/ Recognition/ Awards
Along with my work at Presbyterian College, I have served as a Visiting Scholar at Duke University, taught at Union Presbyterian Seminary, and been a Visiting Professor at the Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Germany) as a German Academic Exchange Fellow. I am also an Adjunct Faculty member for the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies and have been taking students to Israel, the Palestinian territories, and Jordan since 2001.
Awards: Martha O. and Fred R. Stair Fellowship; James A. Jones Fellowship; Belk Fellowship; Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Stipendium; Presbyterian College Faculty Scholar Award; Kyle Spencer Oxford Fellowship.
About Dr. Bryant
Joined PC faculty in 1998
One of the reasons that I enjoy teaching in a liberal arts college is that its broad interdisciplinary approach to learning helps students appreciate life’s interconnectedness even as it helps them discover and develop their passions while strengthening their weaknesses—all in a highly supportive community. Certainly, my favorite thing about teaching and doing research at PC, however, is the people. Our students make learning and teaching a joy, and faculty colleagues make serving together a pleasure. I’m also enthusiastic about the college’s mission as a church-related liberal arts college. Faith and reason find ready traction here for a life of service.
Hobbies: Recreational, if it’s outdoors I’m in! Hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing, bird watching, or just spending time outdoors in most any other activity is always a pleasure, especially with family and friends. I also enjoy woodworking and have been steadily renovating my family’s old bungalow-style home. I’m an avid reader, too, and I love to travel. I find refreshment in playing my guitar and banjo, and my wife and I also enjoy serving in the Clinton community and in others.