
Presbyterian College offers majors and minors in French and Spanish, a major in Modern Foreign Languages which combines French and Spanish, and a minor in Latin American studies.  We also offer introductory courses in Chinese, French, and Spanish, which may be used to satisfy the general education requirement for a foreign language.

Major in Modern Foreign Language

Students who major in modern foreign languages must complete the following

  • A total of 18 hours taught at or above the 2000-level in each language (French and Spanish)
  • Either FREN or SPAN 4800,

Students Taking 4003 (Honors Research) must register for FREN 4800 or SPAN 4800 (Signature Work) in the same semester.

Major in French

Students who major in French must complete 28 hours taught at or above the 200-level, including

  • FREN 2001, 2002, 3001 or 3002, and 4800;
  • three hours of FREN literature;
  • three hours of French Civilization or Culture courses;
  • and twelve hours of French electives.

1. Students taking FREN 4003 (Honors Research) must register for FREN 4800 (Signature Work) in the same semester.

2. French courses taken in a study abroad program may be substituted for some of the above courses, subject to approval by the department. A summer or study abroad experience in a French-speaking country is recommended for all majors.

Major in Spanish

Students majoring in Spanish must complete 28 hours taught at or above the 200-level, including

  • SPAN 2001, 2002, 3000 or 3002, and 4800;
  • six hours in SPAN literature courses;
  • twelve additional hours in SPAN electives.

1. Students taking SPAN 4003 (Honors Research) must register for SPAN 4800 (Signature Work) in the same semester.

2. Spanish courses taken in a study abroad program may be substituted for some of the above courses, subject to approval by the department. A summer or study abroad experience in a Spanish-speaking country is recommended for all majors

Minor in French

Students who minor in French must complete 18 hours of FREN electives taught at or above the 2000-level.

1 One semester or junior year of study abroad in France is recommended for all minors.

2 Students who exempt 2001 or above as a result of placement will be required to complete additional electives to achieve the minimum number of hours for the minor.

Minor in Spanish

Students minoring in Spanish must complete 18 hours in SPAN coursework taught at or above the 2000-level.

1 One semester or junior year of study abroad in a Spanish speaking country is recommended for all minors.

2 Students who exempt 2001 or above as a result of placement will be required to complete additional electives to achieve the minimum number of hours for the minor.

Minor in Latin American Studies

The minor in Latin American studies requires 18 hours, including

  • LAST/SPAN 3035
  • 15 additional hours chosen from
    • ARTH 320;
    • LAST/SPAN 3018, 3050;
    • PLSC 362;
    • PLSC/SOC 370;
    • SPAN 3016, 4031, 4032
    • Study Abroad

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions »

CO = Co-requisite
POI = Permission of Instructor
PR = Prerequisite
RE = Recommended
XL = Cross-listed