Senior's Artwork Challenges, Heals

Senior’s Artwork Challenges, Heals

An exhibit featuring the artwork of senior art major Lauren Adkins, of Simpsonville, S.C., is now on display at the Elizabeth Stone Harper Gallery. The exhibit will run until Saturday, April 27.

Adkins, who was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when she was younger, uses art as a way to cope with the conditions. She plans to pursue art therapy after she graduates so that she can help others through art.

“Things get tougher on some days more than others,” Adkins said. “Creating art, turning something ordinary into something powerful, always helps me push through. If this method helped me, I want to share this with others who might be going through something similar.”

In addition to majoring in art, Adkins is minoring in art history and psychology. She says her artwork is influenced by the field of psychology.

“I’m fascinated by how each individual person is unique, but by studying our minds, we are more alike than it would seem,” Adkins said. “I love studying about how each of us has our own place in the universe.

“Every moment only happens once, so psychology has helped me figure out where exactly I fit in these moments.”

Adkins’ medium of choice is acrylic paint on canvas, although she experiments with mixed media as well.

“I strive to portray conceptually abstract pieces that challenge viewers to look deeper,” she said.

The Elizabeth Stone Harper Gallery is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m., excluding holidays. For more information about the Elizabeth Stone Harper Gallery, please call 864-833-8635.

Visit the Art Department page to learn about the program that helped shape Lauren as an artist. For more about the psychology courses that influence Lauren’s artwork, check out the Psychology Department pages.