At Presbyterian College, students have a number of opportunities for learning and growth outside of the classroom.


Speaker Series

What English program would be complete without a visit from an established author?  Every year, the English department invites published writers to come speak with students, sit in on classes, and give a public reading.  Often, the Sigma Tau Delta book discussions are of works from our visiting authors; Sigma Tau Delta provides to students free copies of such books to help facilitate more active and involved conversations.

Sigma Tau Delta

Presbyterian College is proud to host a chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society, on campus.

College Writing Awards

Presbyterian College has two writing-based awards: the Freshman Writing Award and the Creative Writing Award. Both began in 2008 and offer monetary awards to the winners.

Study Abroad

The Presbyterian College English Department organizes Maymester trips to a variety of international locations such as Berlin, China, England, France, Ireland, and Prague.

The Writing Center

A number of our English majors and minors work in our Writing Center. Tutoring other students is a great opportunity to work with people and further develop your own writing. In the Writing Center, students participate in one-on-one writing conferences to bolster students’ writing skills, as well as help them improve their essays.