Toward the middle of each term, students will meet with their academic advisor to register for classes for the following term.
Course Schedules & Registration
Course Schedules & Registration
Tips for Students: The Registration Process
Steps to Registering for Classes
- Figure out what classes you want, using the Online Course Schedule.
- Select the term and subject from the drop-down menus.
- Indicate whether you want to view only open classes, or all classes (open and closed).
- Select the View Class Schedule button.
- Write down a list of courses you’re interested in taking
- You will see a list of classes and information about them, including how many seats are still available. Write down a list of the classes that you want, at least as far as you can figure it out now. You might need to talk to your advisor before making your final choices. You should also write down a few extra classes as alternates, in case the ones you want to take are full.
- Meet with your academic advisor.
- Set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor, to review your proposed schedule. At the meeting, you may need to make some additions or changes. When your advisor has confirmed your record, you are ready to register at your appointed time.
- Register for classes.
- Your advisor confirms to BannerWeb that you are allowed to register, then you register yourself at the assigned time based on your current classification.
- Use the BannerWeb Guide for Students for step-by-step instructions to register on your own.
- Your advisor confirms to BannerWeb that you are allowed to register, then you register yourself at the assigned time based on your current classification.
Don't register for a course you already have credit for!
According to the academic catalog, a student may receive credit for a course only once. Check your transcript for AP, CLEP, IB or transfer credits to make sure that you are not retaking a course for which you already have credit.
What is full-time status?
Full-time status is twelve (12) credit hours. Please remember that the spring term and the Maymester/Flexterm are two distinct separate terms. They should not be considered together for hours status. For example, if a student is registered for 11 hours for the spring term and 3 hours for the Maymester term, that student is NOT considered full-time for the spring term.
When can I register for classes?
The starting time when you can register depends on your classification status at the beginning of the current term (does NOT include hours you are currently taking):
- Senior = 90 earned hours
- Junior = 60 earned hours
- Sophomore = 28 earned hours
- Freshman = anything below sophomore status
If your classification is dependent upon coursework that you have completed at another institution, make sure that the coursework has been posted. Look at your transcript on BannerWeb. If you do not see the transfer work, our office has not received the transcript from that institution.
To check your current classification on BannerWeb, select Student — Student Records — View Student Information. Select current term and click Submit.
If you look at your total hours in Degree Works, you must subtract the hours you are currently taking. Degree Works includes “in progress” hours in its total.
If you try to register before your starting time, BannerWeb will give you an error message. The starting times are announced via e-mail.
Time Tickets
Time tickets will be assigned just before registration is scheduled to begin. Students will be notified by email when the time tickets are assigned. To view your time ticket on BannerWeb, select Registration — Add/Drop Classes. Select the term in which you will be registering.
Not sure which courses will satisfy General Education requirements?
On the Registrar’s home page, select Forms, then General Education Checklist specific to your classification.
What credits are needed to satisfy a major or a minor?
On the Registrar’s home page, select Forms, then select the interested major or minor form.
What courses will satisfy intercultural/internship experience for General Education?
Courses that satisfy the Intercultural/Internship Experience for General Education:
AFST 201
ARTH 320
BADM 308, 347, 411
ECON 318, 320, 326, 341, 350, 411
EDUC 210, 397
ENGL 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 3362, 3371, 3380, 3520
FILM 210
HIST 2300, 2301, 3251, 3252 3610, 3611, 3612, 3613, 3615, 3616, 3618, 3640, 3641, 3642
LAST 3035
MUSC 1151
PHIL 361
PLSC 301, 331, 332, 341, 342, 350, 352, 361, 362, 370, 380, 387
RELG 220, 310, 356
SOC 310, 360, 362, 364, 370
SOST 205
THEA 2103, 2104
WGST 225
Any modern foreign language course of three or more term hours credit beyond the first term of intermediate level.
Need a lecture but not a lab? Need a lab but not a lecture?
You must register for a lecture and lab simultaneously; otherwise, you will get an error message. If you only need a lecture or a lab, please contact our office to register you.
Need to register for a course that has a pre-requisite or restriction?
The professor of the course must contact the Registrar for permission to register you for the course.
Want to take over 18 hours?
In order to go over 18 hours during a term, you must have a specific GPA from the previous term as followed:
- for 19 hours – 2.80 GPA
- for 20 hours – 3.00 GPA
- for 21 hours – 3.30 GPA
If you have the required GPA, you do not need approval to increase the hours. Contact the Registrar and we will increase your hours. You may then register for the additional course(s).
How do I view my midterm grades?
- log into BannerWeb and select the Student tab
- On the next screen, select Student Records
- On the next screen, select Midterm Grades
- Use the drop down box to select the term you are looking for
- Click Submit
Can't register because of a hold on your record?
You must contact the department who placed the hold to clear it before you may register. To view the hold, select Student, then Student Records, then View Holds.
If you are a School of Pharmacy student, please review student holds under the Student Records menu of your BannerWeb account. If you have a registration hold, you will not be able to register until the hold is cleared. Please contact the appropriate office regarding the hold.
What foreign language level should I take?
Foreign language placement is based on a review of high school credits. Check Degree Works for your foreign language placement. If none is listed, or if you have questions, contact Dr. Sharon Knight ( In order to fulfill the foreign language general education requirement, you will need to complete through the 2001-level of French, Chinese or Spanish. Depending on placement and language, you may need to take 1001-1002 or 1051 before starting 2001. In French, Chinese, and Spanish, credit cannot be received for both 1051 and 1001 and/or 1002.
Tips for Faculty: The Registration Process
When working in BannerWeb, any time you select a student ID or a term, your selection will remain active until you specifically go back to a menu where you can select a new student or term.
Remember when confirming a student’s advisement on BannerWeb, you must do so for each term in which registration will be occurring.
If you register a student in your office, you will need to log in to BannerWeb first with your ID and password. When you get to Add or Drop Classes, the student must enter his/her log in PIN. Then proceed to register the student.
- To view students on a waiting list for a course, from Main Menu, select Faculty Services
- You will see two options – Detail Wait List or Summary Wait List
- For a general list of students on the wait list, select Summary Wait List. This will give you a ranking of wait list order and if the student has been notified of an opening when that notification expires.
- For more information about the students on a wait list, select Detail Wait List. You will be able to see general information about the student, such as major, class, etc.
- To view midterm grades in BannerWeb, from Main Menu, select Faculty Services
- Scroll to the bottom and select Advisee Grade Summary
- Enter current term