Four graduates headshot

Alumni Parent Ceremony Participation

Alumni Parent Ceremony Participation

A PC tradition allows Alumni parent(s)/step-parent(s) of graduating seniors to participate in awarding the diploma. The Office of Alumni Relations coordinates this process.

For more information or questions, please contact Mr. Jeff Smith at

Alumni parents and their students will receive more information in April 2025.

Announcements & Invitations

Announcements & Invitations

Herff-Jones provides Presbyterian College’s official commencement announcement. Go to Herff-Jones’ Website for pricing and ordering information.



We recommend that guests wear business attire while being aware that outdoor temperatures can vary widely. Women should wear comfortable low heels or flat shoes for walking across the lawns during commencement festivities.

Seating & Tickets

Seating & Tickets

Each graduate will receive:

  • Tickets for family and friends to attend the Baccalaureate Service.
  • Tickets for family and friends to attend the Commencement Ceremony. These tickets will be required only in the case of inclement weather.

Baccalaureate Service is at 6 p.m. Friday, May 9, 2025.

College of Arts and Sciences Commencement is at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 10, 2025, outside the Vance Plaza. Reserved seating for candidates is on one side of the processional aisle, while seating for faculty, college guests, and those with special needs is on the other. Plenty of open seating is available behind the two reserved areas, on the roadways, and on the lawns near surrounding buildings. Ushers begin distributing programs and assisting with seating at 9 a.m., though many guests arrive earlier.

Tickets are only needed in case of inclement weather. In that case, guests will need to use tickets and take their seats by 9:30 a.m. We will release empty seats at 9:45 a.m. to guests without tickets.



Grad Images sends a professional photographer to the commencement service to take each graduate’s photo with the President. To order photos, please contact Grad Images.

The College will also have professional photographers at the event to take photos. These photographs will be available to view on the College’s website following the event.

There will not be a designated photo area, but guests will be allowed to take pictures from their seats during the ceremony. We ask that you please be courteous of the other guests and avoid blocking walkways and other high traffic areas.

Guests with Disabilities

Guests with Disabilities

Baccalaureate seating at Belk Auditorium for guests with special needs is available on the left front rows and in the back area behind the last row of seats. We recommend that guests with special needs use one of the three tickets that the College provides to candidates. A ticket allows access to these areas, while seating for guests with no ticket will likely remain only in the balcony. Guests can enter the auditorium through the bottom door on the side facing Edmunds Hall or through the loggia. Ushers are available to direct and assist.

Designated commencement seating for guests with special needs is also available. Ushers begin assisting guests with seating at 9 a.m., though guests may arrive earlier.

Accessible parking is available in the lots behind Jacobs Hall and Harrington-Peachtree Academic Center. We require that vehicles parking in the designated accessible areas display a disabled placard. Campus police assist guests by transporting them in a golf cart from the parking lot to the seating area.

For additional information on special accommodations, please contact Nancy Alford at or 864-833-8521.



Restrooms are located in Bailey Hall, Edmunds Hall, Harrington-Peachtree Academic Center, Jacobs Hall,  Smith Administrative Building and Springs Campus Center. Wheelchair accessible facilities are available in all buildings.

Printed Programs

Commencement programs are available on the morning of commencement. Programs list each graduate’s name, degree, hometown, and honors.