
The Department of Music at Presbyterian College offers large and chamber ensemble experiences. All students, regardless of major or minor, can participate in any ensemble. Each ensemble has tailored musical opportunities for students based on their interests.

Vocal Ensembles
Choir ensembles singing

The PC Choir is the large, mixed choir at Presbyterian College. All students are eligible to participate. Bella Voce is the chamber choir for women. All women at PC are eligible to participate. Cantare is the chamber choir for men. All men at PC are eligible to participate. The Department of Music offers experiences in Musical Theatre and Opera.

Contact Lucie Svatonova-Hughes at lasvatono@presby.edu for more information.

Strings Ensembles
Gentleman playing the violin

The Department of Music offers a variety opportunities including PC Chamber Orchestra and small chamber ensembles (duos, trios, quartets, and quintets).

Contact Dr. Richard Thomas at rthomas@presby.edu or 864.833.8469 for more information

Students' music band playing classical instruments

The PC Band Program features the PC Wind Ensemble, PC Chamber Winds, and PC Jazz Band. The recent 90% growth of our program will soon lead to the creation of the PC Pep Band.

Join a band today! The best place to grow intellectually, artistically, make friends, and build community! Our bands are open to every PC student!

You can schedule a visit or an audition by simply contacting Dr. Giovani Briguente at gbriguente@presby.edu.

Piano Ensemble
Piano ensembles

The PC Piano Ensemble is open to all students at PC who are taking Applied Piano lessons. The ensemble includes a variety of ensemble music for piano (duets, duos, trios, quartets, sextets, and octets).

Contact Dr. Karen Buckland at kbuck@presby.edu or 864.833.8467 for more information.

Percussion Ensemble
Percussion ensembles

The PC Percussion Ensemble performs a variety of percussion literature and is open to all students at PC.

Contact 864-833-8470 for more information.

Bagpipes Ensemble
Bagpipes ensembles

Bagpipes Ensemble is open to all students at PC and in the Laurens County Academy of Music who have taken Applied Lessons in Bagpipe.

Contact Mr. Gary Hipp at ghipp@presby.edu or 864.833.8470 for more information.