Emergency Procedures

This guide was designed to provide the Presbyterian College community with the general knowledge of certain emergency conditions as they may be related to weather, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and the reporting of medical situations and criminal activities.

For emergencies, call 9-1-1 or 864-833-8911.

Campus Police are the primary contact for all campus emergencies. They will route calls for service to appropriate College officials and/or local emergency responders as required by the emergency. Stay calm and help others remain calm. When you are reporting an emergency situation, give concise, accurate answers to the operator. Do not hang up until told to do so.

Campus Police Contacts

Emergency: Call 911 or Campus Police at ext. 8911
Emergency (Off-campus): (864) 833-8911
Non-emergency: Extension 8301
Non-emergency (Off-campus): (864)-833-2511
After hours call the Emergency Number: (864) 833-8911
Text message: Campus Police Duty phone number (864) 872-4050
Emergency Call Box: Push the button to talk to Campus Police

View the full PC Emergency Procedure PDF document »

Campus-wide Emergency Communications Procedures

In the event of a campus-wide emergency, the College’s website will be updated frequently with instructions and information that will be vital to the health and safety of the PC campus community. PC  also communicates campus-wide emergency information through email, text messaging, mobile apps, social media and more.

Quick Reference: Campus Emergency Procedures



  • Call Campus Police at 864-833-8911
  • Campus police will administer first aid and contact Housekeeping for clean up.
  • Do not attempt to clean up a blood/bodily fluid spill unless properly trained.



  • Move away from windows and door, and move to an interior room on the lowest level of the building.
  • Call Campus Police at 864-833-8911 to report injuries and damage to College buildings/property.



  • Activate nearest fire alarm.
  • Immediately evacuate the building using the quickest exit.
  • Assist persons with disabilities.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Take personal belongings with you (keys, purse, coat, etc.) and close door behind you.
  • Do not attempt to use a fire extinguisher unless properly trained.
  • Call Campus Police at 864-833-8911 from a safe location.



  • Do not attempt to detain the person(s).
  • Call Campus Police at 864-833-8911 and provide as much information as possible, their location and a description.



  • If a telephone number is displayed on the campus phone, record the number
  • Call Campus Police at 8911 from a landline phone.
  • Proceed as instructed by emergency personnel.
  • Do not use cellular phones, two-way radios or other electronic devices.
  • Do not handle the suspicious package or other items. Call Campus Police.



  • Evacuate the area immediately.
  • Call Campus Police at 864-833-8911.

In-depth Campus Emergency Procedures

Active Shooter/Violent Behavior

If you hear shots fired on campus, or if you witness an armed person shooting people (active shooter), the following actions are recommended:

  1. Gunfire may sound artificial. Assume that any popping sound is gunfire.
  2. FIGURE OUT your course of action immediately. In the initial moments, decide what is occurring and which option listed below will provide the greatest degree of security.
  3. GET OUT: If there is considerable distance between you and the gunfire, quickly move away from the sound of the gunfire and find a secure place to hide or at least a place that will provide protection from gunfire such as a brick wall, large trees, or buildings.
  4. CALL OUT: When you reach a safe location call the Campus Police
  5. Emergency telephone number, 8911 or 911 from a campus telephone, or 864-833-8911 from a non-campus telephone. DO NOT assume that someone else has reported the emergency. The information that you are able to provide law enforcement officers may be critical, e.g. number of shooters, physical description and identification, number and type(s) of weapons, and location of the shooter.
  6. HIDE OUT: If the shooter is in close proximity to your location, use the Shelter in Place procedures and hide within the room.
  7. KEEP OUT: Barricade doors with any heavy objects available.
  8. SPREAD OUT: If there are two or more persons in the same place when an active shooting incident begins, you should spread out in the room to avoid offering the shooter an easy target.
  9. Wait for police or Campus Police to assist you out of the building.

Be mindful that violent attacks can involve any type of weapon, not only a gun. Knives, blunt objects, physical force or explosives can be just as deadly as a handgun; the suggestions listed here would be applicable in any violent encounter.

If you become aware of an unattended or suspicious item, the following actions should be taken:

  • Call Campus Police at extension 8911 or 864-833-8911 from a non-Campus telephone.
  • Proceed as instructed by emergency personnel.
  • DO NOT use cellular phones, two-way radios, or other electronic devices.
  • DO NOT handle the suspicious package or other items; call Campus Police.

Behaviors of Concern

Behaviors of concern exists when an individual is threatening harm to themselves or others.

If behaviors of concern occur, the following steps are recommended:

  • Never try to handle the situation without assistance.
  • Call the Campus Police Emergency telephone number, extension 8911 from a campus telephone or 864-833-8911 or 911 from a non-campus telephone, and report that you need immediate assistance; give your location and the nature of the situation.

Blood/Bodily Fluid Spill

In the event you notice blood or bodily fluids, the following actions should be taken;

  • Call Campus Police at extension 8911 (864)833-8911 from a non-campus phone).
  • Campus Police will notify Housekeeping for cleanup.
  • DO NOT attempt to clean a blood/bodily-fluid spill unless you are properly trained and equipped.

Bomb Threat

  • If you receive a bomb threat by telephone – Immediately record any telephone number that is displayed on your phone, then immediately call Campus Police at extension 8911 or 911 (864-833.8911 from a non-campus phone or 911) using a land-line telephone, not a cellular or radio device.
  • If you receive a bomb threat by other means – Immediately call Campus Police at extension 8911 (864-833-8911 from a non-campus phone) using a land-line telephone, not a cellular or radio device.
  • Provide information to Campus Police and proceed as directed.
  • DO NOT activate the fire alarm.
  • TURN OFF all cell phones, walkie-talkies, or other radio devices; do not use this type of equipment until you are at least 300 feet from the potential bomb site.
  • The following information concerning the call will be helpful to law enforcement officials:
  • Time of call and number from which call is made
  • Location of the bomb and time of possible detonation
  • Background noises that give clues to the location of the caller
  • Apparent gender and age range of the caller, voice quality (calm, excited, slurred), accents, speech impediments, or other clues to the possible identity of the caller
  • Suggested tips for anyone who receives a bomb threat by phone:
  • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask him/her to repeat the message. Record every word spoken by the person.
  • Inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a bomb could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people.
  • Remain available, as law enforcement personnel will want to interview you.

Elevator Failure

If trapped in an elevator, the following actions should be taken:

  • DO NOT panic. Use the emergency telephone to call for assistance.

All elevators are equipped with emergency telephones.

  • DO NOT attempt to force open the door.
  • Campus Police will contact the local fire department to rescue persons trapped in an elevator if needed.
  • Provide the following information;
    • Your name and location.
    • Total number of people in the elevator.
    • Report any injuries, medical conditions and/or disabilities.
  • Campus Police will contact on-duty maintenance personnel for repairs.
  • The Director of Campus Services will notify and update appropriate personnel of the situation, and expected time of repair.

Emergency Evacuation Plan


  1. EVACUATE the building.
  2. CLOSE all interior doors and turn off lights behind you.
  3. DO NOT use the elevators.
  4. Move to the closest EXIT and proceed down the EXIT stairwell in a safe and orderly manner, single file, keeping to the right.
  5. All Presbyterian College faculty and staff must assist students and visitors in a prompt and orderly evacuation to designated assembly areas*.
  6. Remain at least three hundred (300) feet outside of the building in the designated assembly area* and await further instructions from Campus Police, Building Coordinators or emergency response personnel.
  7. DO NOT go back into the building for any reason; until directed by Campus Police, Building Coordinators, or Public Safety officials!

If you have a problem or concern, please inform Campus Police personnel.

  1. West Plaza: Alumni Green area and the grass area in the center of the plaza.
  2. Edward Campbell Plaza: The area around the bell or in front of Springs Student Center.
  3. East Plaza: The statue in front of Greenville Dining hall or the Piephoff Outdoor Chapel
  4. Blue Hose Athletics Plaza: The grass area in front of Templeton Physical Education Center

Evacuation of People with Disabilities

Evacuating a disabled or injured person alone should be a last resort.

Consider your options and the risks of injuring yourself and others in an evacuation attempt. Do not make an emergency situation worse.

Some people have conditions that can be aggravated if they are moved incorrectly. Emergency conditions such as fire, smoke, loss of electricity must be considered in evacuation decisions.

If people with mobility impairments cannot exit, they should be moved to a safer area, e.g., most enclosed stairwells.

Prior to assisting in any evacuation procedure below, review the following information;

  1. Attempt a rescue evacuation only when the disabled person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.
  2. In some buildings the disabled person may be moved to the “Area of Rescue Assistance” located in the stairwells to await rescue by emergency personnel. For buildings that do not have an “Area of Rescue Assistance” the disabled must be moved to the nearest stairwell to await rescue.
  3. Notify Campus Police or fire personnel immediately about any people waiting to be rescued.
  4. Two physically capable occupants should be invited to volunteer to assist the disabled to evacuate. If a volunteer is not available, designate two people to assist who are willing to accept the responsibility.
  5. Ask the disabled person how he or she can best be assisted or moved, and whether they require any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.
  6. DO NOT use elevators, unless authorized to do so by fire department personnel.
  7. If disabled people are in immediate danger and cannot be moved to a safer area to wait for assistance, it may be necessary to evacuate them using a carry technique. Proper lifting techniques (e.g. bending the knees, keeping the back straight, holding the person close before lifting, and using leg muscles to lift) should be used to avoid injury to the rescuers. Certain lifts may need to be modified depending on the person’s disability. Two-person rescues are preferable.


If there is a fire in your area, follow these guidelines:

  • If you discover a fire or smoke, leave the area and pull the fire alarm.

From a safe location, call Campus Police at 8911 or (864)833-8911

From a non-campus phone to report the fire or call 911.

  • If you are able to safely extinguish the fire, do so only if you have been properly trained.
  • Make sure that you have a safe exit from the fire area.
  • EVACUATE the building as soon as the alarm sounds and proceed to the designated assembly area. Take personal belongings with you.
  • On your way out, warn others nearby and close doors behind you.
  • Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows if time permits.
  • Touch closed doors. Do not open them if they are hot.
  • DO NOT USE ELEVATORS, use stairs only.
  • Move at least 300 feet from the building and go to your building’s designated assembly area.
  • Do not re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by Campus Police, Building Coordinator or emergency response personnel.

If caught in smoke:

  • DO NOT breathe the smoke!
  • DROP to your knees and crawl to the closest safe exit.
  • Breathe through your nose and use a shirt or towel to breathe through, if possible.

If trapped in a building:

  • Place wet cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Attempt to signal people outside of the building. Call for help using a telephone or cell phone.


  • Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so.
    1. Improper use of an extinguisher can increase the hazard.
  • If you have any doubt of your ability to fight the fire, exit immediately.
  • If you decide to use a fire extinguisher, place yourself between the fire and your exit from the area.
  • To use the fire extinguisher, follow the “PASS” method below.
  • Pull the pin. This will break the tamper seal if one is provided.
  • Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
  • Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until the fire is out.

Note: Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat the steps above.

 Designated Assembly Areas:

  • West Plaza: Alumni Green area and the grass area in the center of the plaza.
  • Edward Campbell Plaza: The area around the bell or in front of Springs Campus center.
  • East Plaza: The statue in front of Greenville Dining hall or the Piephoff Outdoor Chapel
  • Blue Hose Athletics Plaza: The grass area in front of Templeton Physical Education Center

Gas Leak

If a gas odor is detected cease all operations immediately and follow the procedures listed below:

  • DO NOT switch lights on or off or use electrical equipment. Electrical arcing could cause an explosion.
  • Evacuate the affected area and go to a safe location upwind 300 feet to call Campus Police at 3949 from a campus telephone or 864-833-8911 (non-campus telephone), and report the leak.
  • DO NOT use cell phones or radios until outside of the affected area.
  • DO NOT activate fire alarms.
  • Campus Police will respond to the scene to assist with the evacuation of the building.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until cleared to do so by Campus Police, Building Coordinators and/or fire department personnel.
  • Campus Police will contact on-duty Campus Services staff that will assist in investigating the leak.

Hazardous Material Spill

In the event, there is a release of a hazardous chemical or material,

the following actions should be taken;

  • DO NOT attempt to clean up the spill.
  • Evacuate the area immediately.
  • Call Campus Police at extension 8911 or 864-833-8911 from a non-campus phone.
  • Let authorities know if the spill is still active

If you are INDOORS;

  • If it is SAFE to do so, turn off any ignition source or gas emergency shut-off valves.
  • Close all the doors behind you when exiting to prevent further contamination

If you are OUTDOORS;

When outdoors, proceed immediately upwind/uphill from the spill location

Hostage Situation

Anyone observing a situation where a person is being held against his/her will should immediately call the Campus Police Emergency telephone number, extension 8911 from any campus phone or 864-833-8911 from non-campus phones or 911.

Be prepared to provide as much information as possible including:

  • Location of the incident.
  • Identification/description of person(s) involved (hostage taker and hostages).
  • Description of events.
  • Whether or not the hostage taker are armed.
  • Number and types of weapons.
  • You may be directed to implement Shelter in Place procedures in a hostage situation. DO NOT attempt to intercede in a hostage situation. You may jeopardize your safety or that of the hostage.
  • If taken hostage, remember that the captor may be emotionally unstable.

In general, however, a captor does not want to harm persons being held hostage, so patience will be your greatest asset.

Eventually, law enforcement officers will intercede and negotiate with the captor.

When in a hostage situation, following the guidelines listed below will ensure the greatest amount of safety to all involved:

  • Remain alert and be observant—upon your release, the information you are able to provide law enforcement officers may be critical.
  • Avoid drastic or sudden actions as well as any behavior that could further endanger you.
  • Follow the instructions of the captor.
  • DO NOT speak to the captor unless spoken to; however, tell the captor if you or anyone else needs medication, first aid, or restroom privileges.
  • DO NOT talk down to the captor.
  • Avoid appearing hostile.
  • DO NOT stare at the captor.
  • Avoid speculating

Medical Emergency

When in need of medical assistance, call either of the following numbers;

  • Campus Police from a campus phone: Ext. 8911 or call 911
  • Campus Police from a non-campus phone (864) 833-8911

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  1. Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
  2. The nature of the illness or injury (if known)
  3. The number of victims
  4. Your name and phone number

To Control Bleeding:

  • Have the injured person lie down.
  • If possible, position the person’s head slightly lower than the trunk or elevate the legs if you do not suspect a head, neck, or back injury.
  • If possible, elevate the site of bleeding above the heart.
  • Apply pressure directly to the wound. Use a sterile bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece of clothing. If nothing else is available, use your hand.
  • Continue with pressure until paramedics arrive.
  • Don’t remove the gauze or bandage. If the bleeding continues and seeps through the gauze or material you are holding on the wound, don’t remove it. Instead, add absorbent material to stop it.

 For Cardiac Arrest:

  • Call 911 and start CPR
  • Use the AED

Power Outage

In the event of a power outage, the following actions should be taken:

  • Contact Campus Police immediately at 3949 from a campus telephone or 864-833-3949 (non-campus telephone) and give your name, location and description of the problem.
  • Follow the directions of Campus Police staff and Building Coordinators.
  • Campus Police will contact the on-duty Campus Services staff.
  • Campus Police will evaluate building status and determine if evacuation is indicated.
  • All buildings with power outages will be evacuated as determined by Campus Police or Environmental Health and Safety.

Note: All campus buildings are equipped with emergency exit lights to allow for a safe evacuation.

Suspicious Mail

If you become suspicious of any mail items;

  • STOP! … Put the item down quickly and gently.
  • Notify everyone in the area.
  • Evacuate the room … Put two or more walls between you and the item.
  • Call Campus Police at extension 8911 or 864-833-8911 from a non-Campus telephone.

Shelter in Place

When directed to shelter in place, the following actions should be taken:

  • All students, faculty, staff, and visitors should move into or stay inside the closest permanent campus building.
  • Close and move away from all windows and doors.
  • Lock or barricade doors if possible.
  • Remain in place until notified by Campus Police, Building Coordinators, or emergency response personnel that the incident has been cleared.
  • Information concerning the event will be distributed through Campus Police, Building Coordinators, and other emergency communication methods such as the Rave Emergency Notification System.
  • Security personnel will secure exterior doors.
  • Law enforcement agencies may use the term “Lockdown” when directing occupants to shelter in place.

Tornado Severe Weather


During a severe weather event, the following actions should be taken:

  • Seek shelter immediately.
  • Move to the lowest level of the building, basements are safest.
  • Move to the interior area of the building (interior hallways and rooms).
  • Stay away from windows, skylights and other areas containing glass.
  • Approved tornado shelter areas are marked on Fire Exit Plans posted on each floor.

Presbyterian College employees and students will receive information through emergency communication methods such as the RAVE Alert Emergency Notification System when a tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service.

Note: A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or indicated by weather radar in the area.

Designated Safe Areas:

Bailey Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Barron Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Belk Auditorium: basement shop area
Belk Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Brown Commons: basement stairwell
Clinton Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Douglas House: basement areas & lower stairwell
Edmunds Hall: the kitchen area
Fraternity Houses: center hallway in resident areas
Georgia Hall: 1st-floor corridors & basement or laundry room
Godfrey House: center corridor away from windows & glass doors
Greenville Dining Hall: basement
Grotnes Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Harper Center: rooms 117 & 108, south & west corridors where indicated
Harrison House: center hallway away from windows & glass doors
Jacobs Hall: basement corridor
Lassiter: 1st-floor corridor away from window & glass
Laurens Hall: 1st-floor corridor
Moorefield House: center hallway away from windows & glass doors
Neville Hall: go the Library
Reynolds Infirmary: 1st-floor corridors away from windows & glass doors
Richardson Science Building: North/South corridor
Smith Administration Building: basement near breakroom
Spradley Hall: 1st-floor corridors
Smyth Hall: 1st-floor corridor areas
Springs Campus Center: 1st-floor southeast corridor
Templeton Annex: shower area
Townhouses: 1st-floor hallway
Templeton Center: shower area
Thomason Library: basement level

If You Receive a Media Call...

The Public Information Officer (PIO) serves as the point of contact for the media, regulatory agencies, and any other municipality seeking information directly from an incident or emergency event. This is especially important in an emergency situation.

When receiving any calls from a media representative, the following procedures should be followed;

  • Direct all communications, calls, emails and other types of questions from media representatives to:

The Public Information Officer: 864-833-8278

To assist the PIO and the team with responding to media representatives as quickly as possible, feel free to capture the following information and forward to them, if time allows:

  • The reporter’s name and phone number;
  • The media organization he/she represents;
  • The information he/she wishes to gain – what does the reporter
  • want to ask about; and
  • The reporter’s deadline.

Regardless of the situation or what the media questions might be, never say: “No comment.” A better response will be: “Thanks for calling. Allow me to refer you to our public information officer, who handles media questions and will be able to assist you.”

Never fall into the trap of “talking off the record.” This term means different things to different media. We always should assume that whatever we say to the media will be used in their reports.

In an emergency, information will be communicated by e-mail, on the presby.edu website, WYFF TV 4, and WSPA TV 7. Emergency Information Line with recorded announcements is 864-833-8411 (Campus closings, inclement weather information)